Even though you are currently a renter, at some point you may buy a house. If you have never purchased a home before there is good news called First Time Home Buyers. This type of purchase enables all first time home buyers to buy a property with little up front cash, low interest rates and in some instances you have first pick on Bank owned houses.
This wonderful option is offered to you once- so make it count. If you can only afford a small house and even smaller house payment please look at purchasing a duplex. In most cases the rent on one side with help make that mortgage payment and lessen your monthly burden. Buying a duplex gives you the double whammy of owning both a home and investment property at the same time with the lower interest rate. Last but not least when the time is right to upgrade to a larger home, rent out both sides of the duplex and you have instant investment, which more than often helps with the cash flow and purchase of your larger home.
Interested in knowing more? Call Joanna, your Red Bluff real estate investment expert at 530-529-1811.